The Pastor's Desk Image

As we enter into 2020, Morning Star Full Gospel Church will celebrate thirty years of ministry. We thank God for His many blessings over the years, but there is still so much more for us as a church and His people to do. We must continue "to line up with the word of God, and love people with the love of Jesus". As I take time to look back over the years and see all the doors He has opened for us I know for a fact that it's all about Jesus.
Thirty years ago I asked God "Why would you use us for this great work? There are people that could do this a lot better than us." He answered me through His word. Isaiah 41: 20 - "That they may see and know and consider and understand together, that the hand of the Lord has done this. And the Holy One of Israel has created it. His hand is still in the plan. We wont always understand what God is doing, but we have to trust him with all our heart (Proverbs 3: 5 & 6). I want to remind you of something God spoke to us last year from His word. 2nd Chronicles 16: 9 - "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him". For thirty years our heart has caught His eyes and he has opened so many doors for us. We must continue to love and serve him with all our heart, soul, and mind.
I love you Morning Star and I'm not talking about the building, but each of you who have committed to be a part of the great work God has called us to do. Always remember....."I LOVE YOU AND AINT NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!!!!!!!"
Pastor Woody Scott